We dont’ need to walk far to create and photograph nature at it’s best or as a professional photographer ‘re-create it so no one could tell it was faked’!

I don’t like to ruin peoples beliefs but that’s the job of a professional.

Pumpkins re-created by myself with pumpkins grown for Cancer Charities with all proceeds given to this very worthy cause. I shot this for the Kew Gardens Cook Book - Ingredients page, shot on out kitchen steps.

Nature never fails to disappoint. I have always loved nature and used it to help create better photographs. You don’t need to be a great photographer to take good photos, you just need the eye to see the potential of objects that can be simply put together to make a picture work. Photographed for the Kew Cook Book

The tomatoes were given to me by an Italian friend, but I bet he didn’t think my camera would immediately come out from the bag to photograph these beauties. A photographer is only as good as the availability of his camera & persuading his/ her wife/ partner to model - not an easy thing to do but after years of persuasion…. I never go anywhere without a camera.

I entered this series in an awards. After my submission titled ‘Fresh girolles from the Garfagnana mountains’, the organiser called to ask me to check the title which predictive text had changed to ‘Fresh girlies from the…’

The purity of these mushrooms was too good to waste, but persuading my wife to dress up and dirty her hands was more difficult, especially in October’s rain. I love this shot or should I say ‘I love nature’.

The kitchen garden, tools and produce

When ugly becomes beautiful. I can’t pass a green grocer without having a double take and admiring this humble fruit, the quince. I also love its role in a casserole, with the quince acting as a sump absorbing all the flavours.